He who wins souls is wise | Pastor Glenn Kight

This week Pastor Glenn Kight talks about discipleship and how to win souls for Jesus. We also get to hear from our friends in the Philippines that we support financially through our Missions Ministry work.

The Antidote for a Poisoned Heart | Pastor Tracey Baldeo

This week Pastor Tracey talks about Jesus’s main concern in our lives; the condition of our hearts. Just like a slow working poison, sin can slowly cover up your joy in Christ. Click on the video to watch the full sermon.

Do You Want to be Healed? | Pastor Jen Ryan

No body likes going to the doctor. Sometimes it takes going through extra pain before finally being healed. It’s the same with God. Being healed is a hard process, but God promises to always be with you. Click the video to learn more.

Restoration is a Beautiful Thing | Pastor Tom Golden

Pastor Tom continues his teaching on Restoration through Jesus. He shows us that God’s plan has always been to restore us. PT walks us through Luke, chapter 15 and the parables Jesus told to his followers.