Can you have an EXPERIENCE with JESUS? | Jesus is REAL | Pastor Tom Golden

admin May 20, 2024 In today’s continuation of the “Jesus is Real” series, Pastor Tom Golden addresses the pivotal question, “Can You Have an Experience with Jesus?” Drawing from John 1:1, John 1:3, and Acts 9:5, Pastor Tom illuminates the reality of God’s presence and the transformative potential of encountering Jesus in our daily lives. Read More … Pastor Tom begins by affirming the reality of God, reminding us that God is ever-present and steadfast, never leaving or forsaking us. He underscores that God is the embodiment of love and the ultimate “real deal.” This foundational truth sets the stage for understanding the significance of experiencing Jesus personally. Referencing John 1:1, Pastor Tom explains that the “Word” John speaks of is Jesus, emphasizing that from the very beginning, Jesus was with God. He reinforces this with John 1:3, stating that everything in creation came through Jesus and without Him, nothing was made that has been made. This highlights Jesus’s integral role in the creation and sustaining of life. Pastor Tom acknowledges that sometimes, as humans, we may fail to notice Jesus’s presence. However, he reminds us that everything in our lives comes through Jesus. We are not mere accidents of nature; Jesus intentionally created us and desires to be intimately involved in our lives, celebrating our joys, sharing in our sorrows, and being present in every moment. The sermon takes a dramatic turn with the story of Saul’s conversion on the road to Damascus, as recounted in Acts 9:5. Initially, Saul did not recognize Jesus and even harbored hatred towards Him. However, his profound experience with Jesus changed his heart and led to his transformation into Paul. This story illustrates that even those who are distant or opposed to Jesus can have life-altering encounters with Him. Pastor Tom encourages the congregation to take a step towards experiencing Jesus personally. He suggests spending just five minutes in quiet reflection, asking Jesus to reveal Himself and work in their lives. By quieting our minds and opening our hearts, we can invite Jesus to make His presence known and experience the profound impact of His love and guidance. In conclusion, Can You Experience Jesus is an invitation to recognize and embrace the reality of Jesus’s presence in our lives. Pastor Tom’s message challenges us to seek personal experiences with Jesus, assuring us that such encounters can transform our hearts and deepen our faith. Bible Verses John 1:11 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:33 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. Acts 9:55 “Who are you, Lord?” Saul asked. “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,” he replied. Give Now YouTube Follow Us Share Related Messages

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