Jesus is the First, the Last and Always; the devil is not even in the race. | Pastor Tom Golden

This week at River Life Church, we got to see God move in a very powerful way. Pastor Tom continued his message on Jesus First, and spoke about Revelation 1:17; Jesus is the first, the last, and the always. Then Pastor tells us the healing story of Tonya Underwood, and how she overcame the devil’s schemes to scare her. Watch to full sermon below and see Tonya give her healing testimony.

All These Things | Graduation Sunday | Pastor Tom

This week we celebrated our Seniors who graduated from High school. These bright young men and women have a wonderful future ahead of them. Don’t stop praying for these young leaders, as they learn to navigate our world.
Pastor Tom spoke a great word about the importance of following Jesus. When you put Jesus first, everything falls into place.

How to Navigate to Heaven | Tom Golden

This week, Pastor Tom Golden speaks on navigating our lives towards heaven. The only way to do it us by putting Jesus first. Watch Pastor Tom drive us through the bible verses that shows us this truth.